Engines / UDS Engines by part number / 01 - Engine [EV_ECM20TDI03L906022NN A02014] / Evacuation of fuel tank
Mark | Model | Control unit | Diagnostic operation |


Part 1 of the order number 

Control unit 

Diagnostic operation 

Diagnostic procedure
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- on-board voltage > XXV - connect battery charger
- fuel system - closed
- fuse - fuel pump - OK
- engine speed = X rpm
- The pump must not run for a longer period without filling, there is a risk of seizure
observe occupation safety rules when handling fuel!
in a suitable manner, disconnect the fuel system and catch some fuel in a vessel
connect with the control unit XX - engine
XX - Security access
enter value: XXXXX
XX - Basic settings
select item in menu: IDEXXXXX - fuel pump - Test
activate default settings
wait - XXs
basic settings -> Stop
select item in menu: IDEXXXXX - fuel pump - Test
activate default settings
wait - XXs
basic settings -> Stop
select item in menu: IDEXXXXX - fuel pump - Test
activate default settings
wait - XXs
End basic set-up
End of test
- on-board voltage > XXV - connect battery charger
- fuel system - closed
- fuse - fuel pump - OK
- engine speed = X rpm
- The pump must not run for a longer period without filling, there is a risk of seizure
in a suitable manner, disconnect the fuel system and catch some fuel in a vessel
connect with the control unit XX - engine
XX - Security access
enter value: XXXXX
XX - Basic settings
select item in menu: IDEXXXXX - fuel pump - Test
activate default settings
wait - XXs
basic settings -> Stop
select item in menu: IDEXXXXX - fuel pump - Test
activate default settings
wait - XXs
basic settings -> Stop
select item in menu: IDEXXXXX - fuel pump - Test
activate default settings
wait - XXs
End basic set-up
End of test
You are not logged! System works in DEMO mode only now where numbers are replaced with X characters. For 49 EUR only You will get access into full system. You can pay by credit card or bank transfer. Click BUY button for purchase and You will get login to diagnostic procedures database imediatelly.